The Bell Tower - Detail

The Bell Tower

The Bell Tower Collection

The Bell Tower collection was inspired by St Pancras church in London.

At the time I was part of the Makers 8 Collective. We were a group of artists interested in site work and engaging with the history of sites as a means to generate ideas for our practice. As a collective we investigated St Pancras church. I focussed on the Bell Tower, which has a simple but beautiful presence with its blue dome and white windows. It has a tunnel-like quality evoking a sense of journeying, of going beyond, perhaps to somewhere almost other-worldly.

I had an opportunity to record some of the classical musicians and choirs that played in the church. I played around with these recordings, enhancing the sounds and creating a short film that evokes this sense of going through somewhere, a kind of tunnel effect.

The painting of the bell tower incorporates other architectural features found at the site, arranged playfully, again using a dice to determine placement of marks and features.

The Bell Tower - Detail

The Bell Tower - Detail

Medium - Digital photograph Dimensions - 15 x 10 cm

St.Pancras Bell Tower

St.Pancras Bell Tower

Medium - Digital photograph Dimensions - 30 x 15 cm

The Bell Tower Installation

The Bell Tower Installation

The Crypt gallery, London

The Bell Tower

The Bell Tower

Medium - Oil painting on raw canvas Dimensions - 1.7 x 2.1 m

The Bell Tower - Walk through

Video of exhibition and sound installation at the Crypt gallery, London.

A pair

A pair

Medium - Monoprint on Birch Dimensions - 20 x 26 cm