Back Room Floor

Casa Canonica

Casa Canonica Collection

Casa Canonica collection was created as part of a residency in Italy. The work was made inside a beautiful but un-lived in priest’s house, a neglected space that is little more than a shell.

I had the opportunity to engage with the building, placing a canvas on the wall and using my site and play techniques on the canvas. Observing the marks and colours in the room around me, I transcribed my observations onto the canvas playfully, again using a dice inviting the element of chance into the work,

Back Room Floor

Back Room Floor

Medium - Digital Photograph Dimensions - 15 x 15 cm



Medium - Acrylic on Handmade Paper Dimensions - 42 x 30 cm



Medium - Acrylic on Handmade Paper Dimensions - 42 x 30 cm



Medium - Acrylic on Handmade Paper Dimensions - 42 x 30 cm

Two Hearts as One

Two Hearts as One

Medium - Acrylic on Handmade Paper

Dimensions - 42 x 30cm



Medium - Acrylic on Handmade Paper Dimensions - 42 x 30 cm



Medium - Acrylic on Handmade Paper Dimensions - 42 x 30 cm



Medium - Acrylic on Handmade Paper Dimensions - 42 x 30 cm



Medium - Digital Photograph Dimensions - 10 x 15cm

New Window Shutter

New Window Shutter

Medium - Digital Photograph Dimensions - 10 x 15cm

Painting process

Painting process

Medium - Digital Photograph Dimensions - 10 x 15cm

Casa Canonica Elevation

Casa Canonica Elevation

Medium - Digital Photograph Dimensions - 15 x 10 cm

Artists Way

Artists Way

Medium - Mixed Media Dimensions - 75 x 75 cm

Two Piles

Two Piles

Medium - Digital Photograph Dimensions - 15 x 10 cm

View out

View out

Medium - Digital Photograph Dimensions - 15 x 10 cm

A Large Stack

A Large Stack

Medium - Digital Photograph Dimensions - 15 x 10 cm

Open Door

Open Door

Medium - Digital Photograph Dimensions - 15 x 10 cm